BLC Sprint Courses
If you are a junior or senior, you might be missing standards. BLC Sprint Courses will serve as a resource for the junior and senior classes to quickly advance to the level they should be at. A big fraction of upper class students do not have time to take a regular 12 week class to hit one standard, and this tool provides students with the ability to get their standards at the GB level in a short amount of time.
Course Basics
How do you apply?
Applications will be sent out via email when the sprint courses are determined Seniors will have first priority, juniors second. No sophomores or freshman will be admitted at this time.
Course Basics
- Sprint Courses will be taught in a separate BLC room
- Each course will meet one standard (or indicators if standard can not be met in given amount of time), for example; geometry, climate change or research.
- Courses will be 8 weeks long and taught on Fridays.
- Each class day will start off with 1 hour of class time lead by the teacher, and will end with 1 hour of independent work time to work on the sprint course assignments
- Each course will have a google classroom where students can turn in assignments and communicate with teachers.
- All students will attend class on Friday, unless absent.
- Students will complete a total of three summative assessments
How do you apply?
Applications will be sent out via email when the sprint courses are determined Seniors will have first priority, juniors second. No sophomores or freshman will be admitted at this time.